
Thursday, April 17

8:30 am

9:00 am

Registration and Breakfast

9:00 am

9:15 am

Welcome Remarks

Nolan McCarty, Associate Dean of Academic Assessment in the Office of the Dean of the Faculty, Princeton University

9:15 am

10:15 am

Session 1: Privacy and Disclosure in Decentralized Systems

Mihir Kshirsagar, Tech Policy Clinic Lead, Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy


Chris Brummer, Professor of Financial Technology, Georgetown Law; Founder & CEO, Bluprynt

Yuliya Guseva, Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School

Ari Redbord, Global Head of Policy, TRM Labs

10:15 am

11:15 am

Session 2: Digital Asset Regulation

Nolan McCarty, Associate Dean of Academic Assessment in the Office of the Dean of the Faculty, Princeton University


Yuliya Guseva, Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School

Raúl Carrillo, Kellis E. Parker Teaching Fellow; Academic Fellow; Lecturer in Law, Columbia Law School

Tiffany Smith, Partner, WilmerHale

Josh Fairfield, William D. Bain Professor of Law, Washington & Lee University School of Law

11:15 am

11:45 am

Coffee Break

11:45 am

12:45 pm

Session 3: Social Utility of Blockchain

Reilly S. Steel, Academic Fellow; Lecturer in Law, Columbia Law School


Bill Hughes, Senior Counsel and Director of Global Regulatory Matters, ConsenSys

Kevin Werbach, Liem Sioe Liong / First Pacific Company Professor, University of Pennsylvania

Hillary Allen, Professor of Law, American University Washington College of Law

12:45 pm

1:45 pm

Session 4: Stablecoins and the Future of Banking

Mike Maizels, Executive Director, DeCenter, Princeton University


Charles Calomiris, Henry Kaufman Professor Emeritus of Financial Institutions, Columbia Business School

Monica T. Ramirez de Arellano, Advisory: Stablecoins & Payments, Stealth

Kevin Werbach, Liem Sioe Liong / First Pacific Company Professor, University of Pennsylvania

2:00 pm

3:30 pm



Mike Maizels

Executive Director, DeCenter, Princeton University

Nolan McCarty

Associate Dean of Academic Assessment in the Office of the Dean of the Faculty, Princeton University

Reilly S. Steel

Academic Fellow; Lecturer in Law, Columbia Law School